Friday 29 October 2010

^fOrEvEr lOvE^

不知道什么时候开始我们的关系变得这么好。。 哈哈~ 虽然 sem1 就认识你了,一起上 Teong Teong 的 SDG ,那时还跟你不是很熟。。直到 sem4 JTM assignment 吧,才开始和你慢慢变熟,hehe.. 又不懂什么时候开始,慢慢地我成为你的“外遇”。。哈哈!
在 101010 这个特别的日子,我们结婚了!从“外遇”升级变成“hubby”, 从“cha bo” 变成 “sweet heart”,从“saitang uncle”变成“papa”。。LoLx~

I LOVE YOU, my sweet heart!! ^^





ps : 是sweet heart要我update我们的LOVE story.. *被逼的* haha!

about saitang~

Name: Saw Chai Hang a.k.a saitang
Sisters: 1 sister
Brother: 2 brothers

Shoe size: 6 or 7

Height: 153cm (i know i'm a shorty)

Where do you live: a place with memories - Penang

Favorite drinks: except coke!

Favorite breakfast: MCD breakfast *yumyum*

Have you ever been on a plane: no.. :'(

Swam in the ocean: tak tahu berenang la.. lolx

Fell of your chair: of course no! the one fell down from chair eh is my roommate..haha...
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: ya..but wait also no use!
Saved e-mails: no! i lazy to check my mails..

What is your room like: tidy lo.. haha

What's right beside you: i cant live without my hp and laptop!

What's the last thing you ate: mummy eh 家常小菜

Ever had:

chicken pox: of course la..

Sore throat: -.-"

Stitches: nope
Do you believe in love at first sight: so far.. no lo..haha

Like picnics: erm...not really.
Who was the last person you dance with: my roommate lo.. always dancing in 6B222 eh.. LoLx

Last made you smile: facebook

You last yelled at: nope.

Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: i only talk to the people i like nia eh.. haha

Kissed anyone: ermm.. at msn? to Jason lo.. LoLx
Talk to an ex: nope.

Miss someone: always, i am!

Eat: 住家饭

Best feeling in the world: everyday eat, play, online, watch movie and sleep~ wakaka
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: never!
What's under your bed: nothing
Who do you really hate: ermm.. no gua.. sometimes not hate, just beh siok nia.. hehe
What time is it now: 9.05pm

Is there a person who is on your mind now: of course!
Do you have any siblings: yaya~
Do you want children: ermm.. dont know..
Do you smile often: of course la.. =)
Do you like handwriting: no?
Are your toenails painted: nope.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: i cincai eh..
What color shirt are you wearing now: purple~

What were you doing at 7.00pm yesterday: online and watch movie..kekez
I can't wait till: holiday!
When did you last cry: 23rd October 2010
Are you a friendly person: ermm.. si gua..
Do you have any pets: nope

Where is the person you have feelings right now: somewhere lo.. haha
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now: erm.....meant a lot..
Do you sleep with the TV on: no la.. later kena marah >.<
What are you doing right now: blog-ing~
Have you ever crawled through a window: no la.. me so big size.. LoLx
Can you handle the truth: ya.. just need some time..

Are you too forgiving: depends lo..
Are you closer to your mother or father: Tan Poh Sim~ my mummy
Who was the last person you cried in front of: Mickey + Doreamon
How many people can you say you've really loved: wah~ a lot lo.. i always say i love you to my friends eh.. hehe
Do you eat healthy: no.. i LOVE junk food and fastfood! =p
Do you still have pictures of you and your ex: no ex mana ada pic leh.. haha

If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: my close friends lo..
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: of course LOUD la.. i am speaker ma.. hahaha
Are you confident: yeah!

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
-fight for UPSR lo..
-lepak after school.. haha
-play with my sister
-merajuk my mum to buy soft toy for me?

5 things on my TO-DO list today:
- back to my secondary school - Chung Hwa
- online
- watch movie
- sleep
- and lastly, missing someone.. :'(

5 things I would do if I was a billionaire:
- travel around the world.. of course with my dear family members.. hehe
- travel with my dear friends.. ^^
- travel with my beloved one..
- shopping~~
- bla bla bla~

5 of my bad habits:
- my pat po mouth
- emo?
- sarcastic?
- impulsive?
- easily pek cek..

~the end~

Thursday 28 October 2010

a year...

today is the day after a year you have left us.. :'(
i miss you so much..

Friday 22 October 2010


Part 1 - Fruits Cake

two people eat 1/2kg fruits cake.. OMG.. haha!

Part 2 - Chocolate Banana Cake

guess whose birthday? LoLx...



or Tuck?

At first, we planned to eat cake for siok nia eh... manu tahu got candle some more.. haha! but ended up, we celebrate Jaclyn's birthday (unplanned eh).. her birthday is on December.. haha! early birthday wishes, Jaclyn (sampat junior) =p
wasted nia...Lau dont eat furit eh.. will go again when we free and order the cake that he eat.. hehe..

Thank you,my BRO! 谢谢你,我的大佬!

千言万语里,只有一句话能表达我的心,谢谢!谢谢你对我的照顾,谢谢你对我们友情的付出,谢谢你的陪伴。。谢谢你! ^^

Wednesday 20 October 2010


Today, 20.10.2010 is a very special date.. my dear+darling+lovely coursemate, Lee Jia Ying a.k.a Mickey a.k.a Doreamon birthday! Happy Birthday to you.. ^^

Tuesday 19 October 2010

101010 ^^

^sweet heart + hubby^ *LoVe*

*girl girl*


Monday 18 October 2010


Chess Open Tournament

Chess Open Tournament

Director and Ex-Officials

Ko-K "convocation".. LoLx

with coach...

broke the cup that i got from POM dinner.. :'(

Tuck, Teh and Lau..

Ice-cream cake.. yumyum~

early birthday surprise for Siew Yean.. ^^

^Siew Yean + Saitang^

appreciate the time when we are together.. ^^

Friday 15 October 2010


第一次体会摄影的感觉。。很好笑。。哈哈!尤其是他们从树后面走出来,然后又走回去。。笑死我了!看见他们努力的为FYP做准备,突然脑海浮现“SEM7 就轮到我了”。。压力!
很高兴可以帮他们。。无论是FYP 还是 OS。。行动上和精神上支持他们!
两个人吃了1/2kg 的水果蛋糕, 好有满足感哦!hehe~

Monday 4 October 2010

张靓颖--如果这就是爱情 MV

你做了选择 对的错的
我只能承认 心是痛的
怀疑你舍得 我被伤的那么深
就放声哭了 何必再强忍
我没有选择 我不再完整
原来最后的吻 如此冰冷
你只能默认 我要被割舍
眼看着 你走了
如果这不是结局 如果我还爱你
如果我愿相信 你就是唯一
如果你听到这里 如果你依然放弃
那这就是爱情 我难以抗拒
如果这就是爱情 本来就不公平
你不需要讲理 我可以离去
如果我成全了你 如果我能祝福你
那不是我看清 是我证明 我爱你
灰色的天空 无法猜透
多余的眼泪 无法挽留
什么都牵动 感觉真的好脆弱
被呵护的人 原来不是我
我不要你走 我不想放手
却又不能够奢求 同情的温柔
你可以自由 我愿意承受
把昨天 留给我

Sunday 3 October 2010

1. 慢慢來,比較快。

2. 人生就是不停的戰鬥!

3. 不是盡力,是一定要做到。

4. 有些東西,一萬年也不會改變。

5. 我最怕,終有一天我無法感動自己。

6. 總有一天我會離開,但故事會留下來。

7. 青春是一場大雨,即使感冒了,也盼望回頭再淋它一次。

8. 說出來會被嘲笑的夢想,才有實踐的價值,如果跌倒了,姿勢也會非常豪邁。

9. 人生不可能總是順心如意, 但持續朝著陽光走,影子就會躲在後面, 刺眼,卻是對的方向。

10. 這世上或許真存在著無論怎麼努力也達不到的夢想,但,若一百倍的努力,能讓我以一個呼吸的距離欣賞它、觸摸它,那麼我就會去做,最後被自己感動得亂七八糟。

11. 我們無法時時刻刻堅強,我們常得習慣如何在軟弱中拙劣地活下去,努力不被發現眼淚,然後珍惜每一個有機會看見自己痛哭的人。

12. 夢想不是掛在嘴邊炫耀的空氣,而是需要認真的實踐, 等到對的風,我們展翅翱翔,沒有風,只要擁有足夠強壯的翅膀,我們照樣拔地飛行,人生最重要的,不是完成了什麼,而是如何完成它。

13. 遇见,可以是灯火阑珊,也无妨百转千

14. 总是期待你能偶而回头,鼓舞我追逐後的汗水

15. 不是每个灰姑娘,都能找到属于自己的鞋

16. 牵手或放手.幸福.或祝福

17. 告白没有最佳的时机,只有最佳的那个人

18. 每一个人,都在等一个人。

19. 最重要的,不是爱上了谁,而是如何去爱。

20. 即使失败也要豪迈的笑

21. 当不想再爱的那刻时,其实爱已经在不经意间悄悄的被我们所拥有过

22. 你快的過風.卻追不回時間..當你老了累了攤了.沒有了回憶卻留下遺憾.. 就算我有全世界最快的車,我能飆的贏風但我絕對飆不贏時間~

23. 生命会自己找到出路。

24. 所谓的厉害,就是让这个世界,因为有了我,会有一点点差别。

25. 没有人哭,没有人烦恼,没有人故意喝醉。

26. 妳身邊那人,也許不是妳的真命天子,但他或許是妳的專屬超人。 妳對他輕輕一笑,就會有一萬個天使在 他的笑容上飛舞著。

27. 不能害怕自己不相信的東西。

28. 我隨時隨地都發生好事,我等不及別人施捨我,只好自己想辦法去要

29. 你不是怕你寫的歌不受歡迎了,你是怕被說,因為你不想孤獨,所以只想拼命寫一些聽起來就是會受歡迎的歌。

30. 你不能因為你很受歡迎,就害怕你從此以後都無法擁有孤獨。被很多人喜歡,當然是一種幸運啊,當然很好啊! 你想想,有多少孤獨的人想跟你一樣擁抱世界,卻辦不到......所以你不能隨便背對著它,不能隨便討厭你的幸運!

31. “如果胖的我跟瘦的我同时出现,你会选哪一个啊?” “当然是胖的那一个啊。” “少骗人了,哪有人会选胖的啊。” “……因为,胖胖的你没有人疼。”

32. 孩子长大了,爸妈寂寞了。 家里的狗却什么也不知道、什么也不明白地承受着小主人一天又一天的缺席。

33. 我有好多故事都想写,但人生不可能只有写小说着一件事重要。吃饭很重要,看电影很重要,看到最新一期的海贼王很重要,每天可以喝到一杯咖啡也很重要,可以让所爱的人感到安心也很重要。

34. 人生不可能无解,只有放弃找答案的人。